Care Transit ensure that patients can access healthcare services regardless of their physical limitations or inability to drive. We provide safe, reliable, and timely transportation for clients. We work closely with clients to schedule transportation that fits their needs and ensures they arrive at their appointments on time.
Care Transit offer a range of transportation options, including ambulatory vehicles and wheelchair-accessible vans. All the vehicles are compliant with safety and mechanical operating and maintenance standards and are duly approved from Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) licensing requirements and safety standards
Care Transit handles all manner of calls including but not limited to real-time trip scheduling, trip modifications, providing estimated time of arrival, special client needs etc. Our company uses a sophisticated IP based phone system which is backed by a fiber line. We provide timely and efficient support to customers and give priority to customer satisfaction.
Our drivers are trained to handle patients with various medical needs, including those with physical disabilities, chronic conditions, or other medical requirements. They are licensed, insured, and trained to transport patients with medical needs safely. They have a thorough understanding of patient safety, including proper wheelchair securement techniques and safe driving practices.
Our transportation services are accessible to all students, regardless of their mobility needs or disabilities. The drivers are properly trained and licensed, vehicles are well-maintained, and safety equipment (such as seat belts) is available and used appropriately. We maintain clear and effective communication with parents/guardians regarding transportation services. This may include providing information on schedules, routes, pick-up/drop-off procedures, and any changes or delays that may occur.